In the very heart of the old town of Sarajevo, connecting the craft streets of Kundurdžiluk, Veliki Čurčiluk and Mali Čurčiluk with Abadžiluk and the bazaar, Brusa Bezistan is located. Brusa Bezistan was built in 1551 by Rustem Pasha, the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire. Bezistan got its name from the Turkish city of Bursa, from which the silk that was sold in Bezistan was brought. Back then, in Brusa Bezistan, along with silk, household items and smaller furniture were sold. The Brusa Bezistan symbolizes Ottoman architectural mastery. It is unique by its six domes which create an ambiance of times gone by, connecting past and present. The Brusa Bezistan talks about strength and the meeting of cultures, endured so many years of wars and natural disasters. Although today it is a museum showcasing the rich history of Sarajevo, one can still feel the lively trade that took place there.