Badia Fiesolana
The Badia di San Bartolomeo, better known as the Badia Fiesolana, is a place of Catholic worship located outside the town of Fiesole, in the locality of San Domenico, in the metropolitan city of Florence and diocese of Fiesole. The 14th century saw a gradual material and spiritual ruin from which the Abbey would rise again thanks, in 1456, to the intervention of Cosimo de' Medici. He elected it as his personal refuge and decided on its re-foundation, the expansion of the monastery, the creation of the library and a coterie of intellects that would see the participation of the greatest humanists of the time. Here Father Balducci lived continuously for almost 30 years until his death.
At the end of 1964 the possibility of a return to Florence began to emerge. However, there was opposition from the Florentine archbishop. For this reason a compromise was found: the Fiesole abbey, under the jurisdiction of the bishop of Fiesole. During these years there were many clashes and tensions with the top of the ecclesiastical hierarchy because of the positions, political and ideological, taken by Balducci. This did not prevent him from continuing his activities as a lecturer, teacher and writer. In the meantime, the Badia fiesolana had become a point of reference for a community of lay people and Scolopians who gathered around the Sunday liturgy he celebrated and who promoted meetings of reflection and solidarity both on the international level (with support for concrete initiatives) and in the city (for example, in the field of psychiatry or prisons). He had thus created for himself a small local Church, a Eucharistic community in which he meditated on the word and from which he said and wrote that he drew inspiration. The Badia community was visited several times by Cardinal Piovanelli (archbishop of Florence since 1983) and participated in the work of the Florentine synod.
On February 25, 1995, by a deed drawn up by notary Alessandro Ruggiero of Florence, the "FONDAZIONE ERNESTO BALDUCCI" was established with its headquarters in the town of Fiesole (in the locality of San Domenico, Via dei Roccettini 9), on the premises of the Badia, a place emblematic of the activity of the Scolopian father and where he spent most of his life.
E. Balducci
"If you want peace, prepare peace.”
High Altar
Made by Giovan Battista Cennini, based on a design by Pietro Tacca (1610).
Renaissance washbasin
Made by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci and Gregorio di Lorenzo. It is located in the sacristy.

Badia di San Bartolomeo

At the Badia (Fiesole)