Giorgos Maraslis
Giorgos Maraslis (1831-1907), was born in a family of Greek merchants immigrated to Odessa and he became the city mayor at the end of 19th century. Thanks to him, during 17 years of his long charge, the city flourished. His dream (realized) was to build the State Public Library using his own funds.
Armand-Emmanuel Sophie Septimanie de Vignerot du Plessis
Armand-Emmanuel Sophie Septimanie de Vignerot du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu and Fronsac (1766 –1822), was born in Paris (France) and he was a memorable Odessa mayor. He introduced the duty-free port area (porto-franco) in Odessa.
Odessa mama
Odessa is a very warm and welcoming place. Often it is called "Odessa mama" (Odessa-mom). A recent expression, introduced in 2022 right after the Russian aggression, is "если маму кто-то тронет, того мама похоронит" (in Russian), which means: If someone touches the mom, the mom buries this someone".
The most traditional snack: boiled shrimp, called "rachki" from the Black sea. Firstly, you boil the shrimp on high for about 2 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the shrimp in water. When they’re at the bottom of the pan, they’re ready.
The Plăcintă - shared with Moldova and Romania - a traditional pastry cake, filled with apples, soft cheese or pumpkin.
Fried gobies
Fried gobies from the Black sea are fried after being covered with flour and then dipped in beaten egg. They are seasoned with salt and other spices.
The Turkish fortress
The ancient Turkish fortress in Odessa (14-15th century) is a must-see. It is located in the Shevchenko Park with a breathtaking view on Odessa bay.
Flea market
It is worth strolling through the huge flea market in Odessa in search of some occasion. It is held every morning in a colorful neighborhood of Moldavanka.
The colonnade
From the colonnade you can enjoy a beautiful view of the port of Odessa. It is a neoclassical monument, as well as symbol of Odessa as a European city.

Odessa, Ukraine
Yevhen Chaban

Odessa, Ukraine
Oleksandr Belokon

Odessa, Ukraine
Antonina Kadurina

Odessa, Ukraine
Olga Olenych

Odessa, Ukraine
Mykhailo Reva

Odessa, Ukraine
Olga Nazarenko

Odessa, Ukraine
Kateryna Byeloschenko

Odessa, Ukraine
Yevhen Chaban

Odessa, Ukraine
Oksana Matveeva
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