the tabernacles of florence
Madonna col Bambino
The image of the Madonna and Child surrounded by angels is modeled in the terracotta relief: the Virgin, seated on a faldistorium, encircles the Child with maternal tenderness, while the Son, clad in a tunic, hold a light cloth strip. The delicacy of the gestures and the modeling refinement of this composition allow themselves to be appreciated.
The marble frame of the tabernacle, decorated at the base with cornucopias and plant motifs, is accompanied by an epigraph: the inscription POSUERUNT ME CUSTODEM, taken from the Song of Songs, responds to the desire to invoke the Virgin's protection.
Via Faenza
This first stretch of street, between Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini and Via Nazionale, was once called borgo di Campo Corbolini and gave its name to the "Porta", located in what is now Piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini, which was part of the 1172 circle of walls. At the end of the 13th century, with the construction of the new circle of walls, the Porta di Campo Corbolini was demolished and the "borgo" changed its name: first it was called Via della Stipa then, from 1870, Via Faenza, including the stretch leading to the Fortress. Here, near the actual Piazza del Crocifisso, was built Porta a Faenza, named after the Vallombrosian nuns, followers of the Beata Umiltà di Faenza (“Blessed Humility of Faenza”), who had their monastery nearby.
Copy of Antonio Rossellino
The terracotta relief is a copy of a composition by Antonio Rossellino. The original work was made by the sculptor in the third quarter of the 15th century. Grace and finesse, polish and perfection are the qualities that Giorgio Vasari appreciated in Antonio Rossellino.
The sculptor
Again according to Vasari, because of his qualities, Rossellino was esteemed by Michelangelo and all the most excellent craftsmen of his time. The copy testifies to the wide dissemination of prototypes devised in Rossellino's workshop. Other examples, such as replicas and copies, derived from the same prototype, adorn some Florentine tabernacles.
Rossellino's original work is identified in the marble relief preserved in the collection of the Morgan Library and Museum in New York.

Via Faenza 62

Via Faenza 62

Immagine 3
Museo del tessuto
Velluto Medici