Tabernacles of Florence
Via Sant'Egidio 32 R corner of via della pergola
Sacra Famiglia e Angeli
In the painted image some kneeling angels and a cloud of cherubs, occupying the area of the sky, accompany the Sacra Famiglia. According to Guarnieri, the only information about the painting dates back to the late 19th century, when it seemed to be almost disappeared and it was replaced with the Sacra Famiglia e Angeli.
The tabernacle had an unfortunate destiny, as it was severely damaged by the 1966’s flood. However, the restoration allowed to date the fresco to the second half of the eighteenth century and to attribute it to a Florentine painter.
Via Sant'Egidio, or as it was once called “San Gillo”, takes its name from the homonymous church, probably built along the second-last circle of walls. The Benedictine saint does not belong to the Florentine tradition, but it was "imported" into the city on par with San Remigio (“St. Remigius”) and San Martini di Tours (“St. Martin of Tours”). Saint Gilles (this is his real name) was a French saint, highly revered towards the Late Middle Ages. He was the abbot of a Benedictine convent near Arles, which later became the center of his cult.
Florentine Painter
(second half of 18th century)
Legend has it that during the Sant’Egidio Mass, while the emperor Carlo Magno was attending it, an angel appeared with a scroll, on which was written one of his unconfessed sins. Following the prodigy, the emperor decided to go to confession and he received absolution from Sant’Egidio.
AMICI DEI MUSEI FIORENTINI ODV - COMITATO PER IL DECORO E IL RESTAURO DEI TABERNACOLI - Card by Chiara Sestini - Restoration by ownership - Restorer: Decoart s.r.l. (2002)

Via Sant'Egidio 32 R corner of Via della Pergola

Via Sant'Egidio 32 R corner of Via della Pergola

Detail: Fresco
Via Sant'Egidio 32 R corner of Via della Pergola