Tabernacles of Florence
Via del porcellana corner of Via Palazzuolo
Madonna col Bambino
In the 14th-century fresco from the school of Taddeo Gaddi, preserved in the tabernacle niche, the Madonna is depicted in the center, seated on a cusped throne, holding the infant Jesus on her knees. He turns with benevolence and affection toward the Sant'Antonio Abbot portrayed on the right. Finally, to the left of the composition is San Giovanni the Evangelist while holding the Gospel.
The fresco is enclosed by an important late 17th-century pietra serena ribbed frame and illuminated by a fine iron lantern decorated with tendrils. Several restorations were necessary: the first in 1843 by Lorenzo Mattani, the second in 1958 carried out by brothers Cesare and Lamberto Benini at the behest of the Comitato per l’Estetica Cittadina (Committee for City Aesthetics), and the third in 1995 was carried out by the firm P.T. Color on behalf of the City of Florence.
The street, as well as the hospital, were named after Friar Guccio Aghinelli, known as Porcellana, who was for years an important and excellent administrator of the ancient Spedale dei Michi. The work described so far is located at the intersection with Via Palazzuolo, which apparently takes its name from an ancient palace that belonged to the Del Bravo family, later incorporated into the convent of Ognissanti.
Florentine Painter
(14th century)
The large tabernacle on Via del Porcellana was most likely commissioned in the mid-14th century by Fra Guccio Aghinelli (elsewhere Ghinetti or Aghinetti), canon of the Del Porcellana family. This is an interesting fact considering that the same commissioner was portrayed in the fresco kneeling at the foot of the throne, with his hands joined in an adoration act and on his head the "zucchetto" typical of friars.
AMICI DEI MUSEI FIORENTINI ODV - COMITATO PER IL DECORO E IL RESTAURO DEI TABERNACOLI - File by Lorenzo Manzani - Restoration: Techne snc di Gubbini Isabella e Marchetti Marco - Restored by the City of Florence thanks to Mauro Pelatti "Dedicated to Florence" (2020)
Taberacle owned by the City of Florence
Taberacle owned by the City of Florence

Via del Porcellana corner of Via Palazzuolo

Via del Porcellana corner of Via Palazzuolo

Porcellana Hospital
Via del Porcellana corner of Via Palazzuolo